Bachelor's Degree
Computer Networking
Bachelor's Degree
Computer Networking
获得计算机网络学士学位,成为 幸运28计划
Accreditation | 获高等教育委员会认可 |
Program length | 32个月 |
学分 to graduate | 120 credits |
Transfer credits | 最多90个认可学分 |
格式 | 100% online 类 |
Certification prep | 思科,微软和CompTIA作为学费的一部分! |
好处 | 获得双学分 工商管理硕士 degree Program |
计算机网络理学学士学位是一个120学分的本科课程,为你在网络系统架构方面的职业生涯做好准备, maintenance, 和 man年龄ment.
在线学位课程为学生提供网络安全方面的基本知识和技能, routers 和 switches, 和 cloud computing, systems administration, 和更多的.
Flexible schedule
你可以在白天或晚上上课. We strive to be as flexible as 幸运28计划 for busy non-traditional students.
Virtual services
获得广泛的虚拟服务, 包括学术建议, 辅导, support services, 技术支持和图书馆服务.
Lifelong support
We support your ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, personalized student services with lifelong career coaching.
Rolling admissions
不用担心申请截止日期. 当你准备好了就申请,并准备尽快开始.
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学士学位课程 & curriculum details
Herzing的计算机网络学士学位课程侧重于信息技术安全的入门原理, 帮助您学习向非技术受众表达技术信息,并根据业务需要或需求创建IT解决方案.
所有课程都是在线授课 with a required research project or internship (if available in your state).
Program | 个月i | 学分 |
计算机网络理学学士学位 | 32 | 120 |
所有 courses, 64.00个学期的学分,是必需的.
or IS 195向技术概念的转变 学时:3.00 **
** Note: IS 195 is required of advanced st和ing students only.
*注意:如果学生已经完成了BU 345幸运28计划管理,在学术院长的许可下,可以放弃完成IT 346.
A minimum of 15.需要00个学期学分 in the field of information technology, information systems, 计算机科学或相关学科, a minimum of 6.00必须在300,400,500或600级别.
学生 enrolled in this bachelor's degree must complete a minimum of 36.00 semester credit hours in general education distributed among the following disciplines. 请参阅目录的通识教育部分,了解每个学科内课程的具体信息. 12.通讯学00学分 9.00学分人文学科(必须包括3学分文化多样性) 6.00个学期数学学分 3.科学课00学分 6.社会和行为科学的00个学期学时
Dual Credit
就读于赫京大学计算机网络学士学位课程的学生可以在获得学士学位方面有一个良好的开端 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士).
Computer networking graduates may choose one of several 工商管理硕士 concentrations, or consider our 双浓度选择 为你的工商管理硕士证书加分.
Classes Start October 30th
Waived Enrollment Fee职业生涯
我能找到什么工作 计算机网络专业本科以上学历?
Job outlook
According to the 劳工统计局, employment of 计算机和信息系统经理s is expected to rise 15% 从 2022-2032.*
我该如何提升我的事业? In the fast-moving IT field, there are many possibilities for advancement. Enroll in our bachelor’s degree Program 和 earn up to 12 dual credits towards a 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士) with a concentration(s) of your choosing based on your career direction.
As technology becomes an integral part of everyday business, 在电脑网络方面有丰富经验的资讯科技专业人士,最能应付这个快速发展的行业的最新发展.
Computer networking professionals often work in a challenging, fast-paced environment. 然而, many IT jobs offer competitive compensation based on the education, 技能, 以及在这个领域取得成功所需要的特质. 幸运28计划 计算机网络工作 may include:
Description: Network or computer systems administrators help ensure an organization’s computers, software 和 operating systems work properly 和 stay up to date. They install 和 support local area networks (LAN) 和 wide area networks (WAN), depending on the number of people using the network 和 the size of the geographical area. Network administrators are often the “go-to” person for major computer or technical issues.
Aver年龄 salary (US): $97,160 每年, $46.71 per hour (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Job outlook: 3% increase 从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Description: Network engineers, also called network architect or computer systems engineers, 设计各种规模的网络. 他们经常与高层管理人员一起工作, project man年龄rs 和 other engineers to design 和 implement network configurations, troubleshoot issues, 监督或实施网络监控, 并配置安全系统, such as 防火墙s.
Computer systems engineers also maintain the connectivity of network including data, 的声音, 调用, video, 无线网络服务. 一般, 从事这些工作的人受过更多的教育, 比如硕士学位, 和 may have more responsibilities than a network administrator.
Aver年龄 salary (US): $129,490 每年, $62.25 per hour (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Job outlook: 4% increase 从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Description计算机系统分析员负责确保网络中的所有计算机彼此有效地通信. 他们通过创建硬件和软件配置来帮助改进整个系统的功能. Network analysts often assist with both business 和 technological aspects within an organization; for example, they may be asked to find a tech solution for a business-related problem.
Aver年龄 salary (US): $107,530 每年, $51.70 per hour (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Job outlook: 10% increase 从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Description: When you call the IT help desk, you generally speak with a network service technician or 计算机网络支持专员. They provide support to customers who are experiencing computer-related problems. 他们对组件进行故障排除, hardware 和 software, including 打印机, 扫描仪, 电子邮件和工作流程.
Because of the variety of issues they may be asked to assist with, computer support specialists must have a wide range of computer knowledge. They can help plan 和 analyze costs for an organization’s computer network. They may also determine the necessary configurations, connections 和 tools.
Aver年龄 salary (US): $76,060 每年, $36.57 per hour (来源: 劳工统计局)*
Job outlook: 7% increase 从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)*
注意:薪资预估可能并不代表应届毕业生的起薪——平均薪资是基于许多因素,比如经验, 地点和雇主所在的行业.
Frequently Asked 问题
It all starts with the right qualification: a 计算机网络专业本科以上学历 or IT. Herzing University’s 计算机网络理学学士学位 offers you:
- Convenient online coursework with virtual labs that teach practical 技能
- Mentorship 从 instructors who are also experienced IT professionals
- The opportunity to earn up to three industry certifications 从 Microsoft, CompTIA 和 Cisco, 考试费用已经包含在学费里了
- 双工商管理硕士学分选择——最多选修四门工商管理硕士课程
Build 技能 for a lifelong career in computer networking with Herzing.
Computer networks are groups of interconnected computers that share resources. 其中包括分布广泛的群体, 比如互联网以及更小的群体, 就像在大学里发现的那样, 工作场所, or inside a home.
Computer networking professionals are trained to underst和 how these groups of computers work, how they can be configured 和 reconfigured to meet different needs, 和 how to secure them against outside intruders or data theft.
绝对. 计算机网络使现代在线生活得以运行, so professionals who can configure 和 maintain those networks should have good job opportunities.
获得计算机网络学士学位也可以为获得硕士学位水平的教育奠定基础. 你可以选择一个更技术性的硕士学位,或者准备用工商管理硕士学位来领导IT部门.
在Herzing,软件下载提供工商管理硕士课程,专注于 Data Analytics 和 技术 Man年龄ment, among others. As a student in our 计算机网络理学学士学位 Program, 你可以选择在完成学士学位的同时修12个学分的工商管理硕士课程.
是的. 在当今这个技术发达的世界,计算机网络对任何企业或组织都是至关重要的. 美国.S. 劳工统计局 (美国劳工统计局) projects growth for two major networking 角色: 网络和计算机系统管理员 就业岗位预计将增长 3% nationally over the 2022-2032 period, 和 计算机网络架构师职位 预计还会增长 4% 在同一时间段内.*
随着在家工作变得越来越普遍, 可能需要计算机网络专业人员来帮助实现组织软件的安全共享, 数据库和其他资源, 和 计算机网络工作机会 预计会相应上涨吗.
许多信息技术和计算机科学相关的学士学位课程教授与计算机网络相关的技能. At Herzing, we offer a number of bachelor’s degrees with varied emphases in technical 技能 和 knowledge:
所有 of these 信息技术学位类型 Programs teach a broad base of computer networking 原则 和 practices. 然而, 一个专门的计算机网络学位课程将提供更广泛的网络技术知识. At Herzing, 软件下载的计算机网络学士学位也为您提供更多的实际经验,分析网络和解决网络问题.
It’s 幸运28计划 to learn the very basics of computer networking on your own, but 发展中 professional 技能 best requires formalized education.
Going back to school 和 taking college-level 类 is never easy. Our curriculum is designed to be challenging, but we offer support every step of the way. 如果你有兴趣和天赋, 完成这个幸运28计划将是一种回报, fulfilling challenge.
Many employers will prefer to hire c和idates who have a degree. 这是因为他们需要具有特定类型产品的知识和经验的团队成员, Programming langu年龄s, 和 过程es.
Our computer networking degree Program teaches fundamental information technology (IT) concepts, 再加上分析方面的专业课程, implementing 和 securing wired or wireless computer network systems. 软件下载幸运28计划的一些课程包括以下主题:
- Cloud Computing
- Data Stor年龄
- Mail Servers
- Network Defense
- 网络基础设施管理
- 网络和服务器操作系统
- Python Programming
- 无线网络基础
We also teach valuable professional 技能 such as technical writing 和 IT project man年龄ment, 所以你能够有效地沟通你的工作,并从概念到完成幸运28计划.
Program 仪
Computer Networking Degree 幸运28计划
显示 1 Program 为 在线 校园
This Program prepares students for a broad range of positions in the field of computer networking. 教授的基本技能包括终端用户支持, 客户机/服务器操作系统, 网络基础设施管理, 安全, 脚本, database fundamentals, cloud computing, virtualization, 数据存储和技术交流. 高级技能包括数据库设计, project man年龄ment, information technology man年龄ment 和 business systems analysis. Coursework in this Program provides a foundation for select industry certifications. These certifications enhance employment opportunities but are not a state specific requirement.
Additional topics in computer networking include data stor年龄, 先进的无线网络, mail servers, network defense, 和网络电话.
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相关的 幸运28计划
Accreditation & Disclosures
Herzing University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation 年龄ncy recognized by the U.S. 教育部.
*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. 美国劳工统计局 estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. Multiple factors, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.
符合入学条件的州:阿拉巴马州, 阿拉斯加, 亚利桑那州, 阿肯色州, 加州, 科罗拉多州, Connecticut, 特拉华州, District Of Columbia, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 马里兰, Massachusetts, 密歇根, 明尼苏达州, Mississippi, 密苏里州, 蒙大拿, 内布拉斯加州, 内华达, New Hampshire, 新泽西, 新墨西哥, 纽约, North Carolina, North Dakota, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 俄勒冈州, Pennsylvania, Rhode Isl和, South Carolina, South Dakota, 田纳西州, 德州, 犹他州, 佛蒙特州, 维吉尼亚州, 华盛顿, West 维吉尼亚州, 威斯康辛州, 和 Wyoming.
所有 the teachers were professional 和 my 类 were fun 和 engaging.